Alternative financing when your lender or bank says no.
Just wanted to share some alternative financing for some of you. If lenders and banks say no, just keep looking. Although some of the rates may be higher, you always want to try traditional financing first. “Our client came to us with a unique situation where due to his FICO score, he wasn’t able to […]
PMI – Private mortgage insurance – How it works:
How It Works: PMI In simplest terms, Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) is an added insurance policy for homebuyers who make down payments on their homes that are less than 20%. The monthly PMI fee you pay protects the lender if you are unable to pay your mortgage. How It Works If you make a down […]
The rule of 72 combined with the 1% rule in Real Estate investing!!
.The rule of 72 combined with the 1% rule in Real Estate investing!! Today I wanted to introduce you to the rule of 72, a very useful tool not many people know about. It is very simple and allows calculating the number of years that your investment will take to double: just take 72 and […]