Sell your home for the best price possible
Sell your Home with professional photos, videos, social media posts, email blast, with our 7 day listing launch program. Scheduled showing on your terms. Negotiate up to 3 months Post possession. Don't pay a dime until close of escrow. Cancel the listings anytime!
"We want you to feel that you have been treated fairly."
Watch this step-by-step process on how I successfully sold one of my latest listings.
We eliminate all your selling hassles using our experience and expertise. We strive to guide you throughout the process and get the best offer, with the most $$$$ in your pocket.
We have narrowed down what’s important to our clients and what can bring you the highest price for your home through a detailed quick kickstart to your sale with scheduled showing on your terms, the 7-day listing launch, perfect pricing, professional videos, ads, creating anticipation, multiple offers, and we can negotiate you living in your home for up to 3 months after the sale.

Our selling process
Why the Jay Bru Group?
1. List your home with us for 3 days and if you are not happy, you can cancel the listing! (Plus the 7-day listing Launch)
3. If you don't like an offer, you can reject it without obligation! Don't pay a penny until your home sells!
5. Your home will be marketed fully to give it the best chance to get your price!
6. Pricing: We want to get your price! We take in your price along with what the market can handle.
7. Get a professional CMA (Comparative Market Analysis)"or" we pay for your professional appraisal if needed.
8. Need your proceeds from the sale to buy something else? We negotiate a post possession agreement for you to remain in your home.
The Seven Day Listing Launch
Day One
On Day one, we put your home in the coming soon section in the MLS to blast emails to buyers who use realtors with that specific search criteria, and they would get another on day 3 when we go live. The home should be ready and photographed now; refer to the “Preparing your home to sell” button above. We order postcards for your closest neighbors to invite them to an open house on the weekend. We also send email/text blasts for the open house to our thousands of newsletter recipients and our brokerage of 3000 agents and send text messages to our database with the area in mind.
Day Two
Tuesday, we’re going to start running social media ads. We want to ensure that we put something in the mailbox and the social feed. So we have ads that will be running on FB/Instagram, and they will be running on Facebook. We got to get in that social feed. Check out the example below on a typical ad.
Day Three
Then we activate the listing on Thursday. We like to Activate the listing on Thursday for a couple of reasons. One, we know that the two busiest search days of the week on websites, on things like, Zillow, Trulia, Redfin, and many other websites, Thursday and Friday, are the two busiest search days of the week.
We also know that these websites rank the property results based on how many days the home has been on the market. So the fewer days the house has been on the market, the higher it will show in the search results. So by going live on a Wednesday, your property will syndicate to all the websites overnight; Thursday morning, we’re at the top of the list and getting the maximum eyeballs on your property.
Day Four
Thursday is when we’ll go and deliver invitations to everybody in the neighborhood because I want to make sure that they got the invitation in the mail. I don’t want to count on their seeing the social media ad. I don’t want to depend on the fact they saw it on Zillow; I’m going to put something on their doorstep. I’m going to go and invite everybody in the neighborhood to come on by.
Day Five
Last, on Friday, now I have a service, I could put a pin on a map, draw a circle a mile around it, or whatever radius we need to. We’ll get the names, phone numbers, and email addresses of everybody in your neighborhood, and we’ll call, text, and email and invite them to our neighborhood open house.
Typically open houses are best on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, but a typical time is 10-1 pm, 11-2 pm, or 12-4 pm.
Day Six
So we’ll invite the neighbors to come in the morning by door knocking and make it a pleasant, fun experience for people. So we want to get all the neighbors in, get them excited about the property, so they start thinking about, “Who do they know who could be a fit for this home?” and maybe it’s them. So that’s going to happen, let’s call that Saturday, and then the most important thing is we’ve got to follow up with everybody. I have a great database where I send emails, texts, and postcards, which makes it easy.
Day Seven
Where most realtors drop the ball is that they do this fantastic open house, spend all this time, money, energy, and effort to do it, and never follow up with anybody. Well, we’re going to follow up with every single person who comes by that open house, one by one by one, because I want to make sure that if they went by that empty house, I want to know who they know who could be a potential buyer for your home? So there you have it, that is the 7-Day Listing Launch. I hope this helps you understand how we work and what we will do for you!!
Here is a sample of your AD and how you get text updates on how it’s performing!
* We are a full-service real estate group, providing you with every type of marketing out there with professional video/photos, online marketing, concierge, staging, and handyman services. We will take care of everything!!
* If you want one of our agents at every showing, we will open the house and monitor if you don’t feel comfortable.
* If you’re out of town, we will take care of your property with monitoring and safety through our CBS code on our lock boxes. Only qualified people can view, and our concierge will close up and lock it up.
* We’re also handy; if you need small jobs done and can’t get to them, we got you!
* Safety and precaution are our top priority. Your home will be safe!! Guaranteed!
* Don’t pay any commission until your home Closes!
Lets Chat! Text 480-466-4917 or email, and let’s make this happen!
Get Stunning Videos and Photos: Twilight, Walkthroughs, Drones, and Social Media Clips Like These
Why Hire a Realtor?
Tips to sell your house FAST
- Clear the Clutter
- Accommodate showings
- Professional Photos
- Repair items that may come up in the Inspection beforehand
- List your house on a Wednesday/Thursday
- Have a marketing plan
Let’s Get Started with Us!