Should we sell our home or keep it as a rental?
Should we sell our home or keep it as a rental? Remote working and the global pandemic have caused people to re-think where they want to live. For many in dense urban communities, the possibility of moving to a vacation community or a more isolated area may be appealing. If they own a home in […]
The pros and cons of the 3 top ways to sell your home.
Options for Selling There are different ways to sell your house. You can sell with a real estate agent, sell it yourself, sell to an IBuyer, or sell to an investor. There are pros and cons with each of those 3 choices. Please know that you have options. Below are the pros and cons of […]
Canadians! Did you know there could be a withholding tax when you sell your Arizona property called FIRPTA?
FIRPTA Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act “The disposition of a U.S. real property interest by a foreign person (the transferor) is subject to the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act of 1980 (FIRPTA) income tax withholding. FIRPTA authorized the United States to tax foreign persons on dispositions of U.S. real property interests.” […]